Contact Us
Texas CHIP Coalition, Children’s Hospital Association of Texas and CPPP are not state agencies responsible for application processing and cannot sign you up for benefits.
- If
you need information on how to enroll in CHIP or Children’s Medicaid or
if you have questions regarding eligibility or application status
please click here.
For information on eligibility, to apply for CHIP or Children’s
Medicaid or to check the status of an application, contact
Problems Getting or Renewing Children’s Medicaid
or CHIP?
WHO TO CONTACT FOR HELP (revised 09/30/15)
Texas’ systems to sign up for or renew Children’s Medicaid and CHIP
have been experiencing a variety of changes and problems since January
2006. Your family may have had problems getting benefits using the new
system, or you may be helping someone who is having a problem signing
Who to report your problem to?
If you have tried to apply for or renew benefits, but it has not
worked, or if you want to report a problem you had, please follow the
steps below.
STEP 1 — Tell the state agencies (So they can fix any problems):
Children’s Medicaid or CHIP:
E-Mail Texas Health and Human Services Commission’s Office of the Ombudsman: use the form located on the THHSC website:
STEP 2 — Please send us an optional e-mail about your problem (So we can monitor the problems, and whether they are getting fixed):
You do not
have to copy CPPP on your e-mail, but we would like to know about
problems and how they get solved. If you do want to share your story
with us, please copy us on your e-mail about any problems:
you are an agency helping a client who is trying to get or renew
benefits, be sure to ask their permission to share their information.
STEP 3 — Let us know if we can tell your story to state elected officials or the media.
If you are comfortable letting us tell your story to elected officials, or to the press, please let us know.
STEP 4 — Let Us Know How Things Turn Out (So We Can Know if Problems are Getting Fixed):
If you do not get a reply from THHSC within one work day, be sure to let us know! If you feel your problem is still not fixed later, after THHSC has contacted you, we want to know:
Sending an e-mail does not protect your legal rights.
To appeal a denial of benefits, follow the instructions in your denial notice. Do not wait to see if your e-mail helps.
You can get more information about appealing, and other legal help, by
calling Texas Rio Grande Legal Aid toll free at 1-888-988-9996.